surgery Archives - FFPF Freedom from poverty foundation Fri, 18 Oct 2019 00:04:15 +0000 en-CA hourly 1 content/uploads/2018/10/cropped-logo-ffpf-icon-32x32.png surgery Archives - FFPF 32 32 Sangita Thu, 17 Oct 2019 23:41:22 +0000 Sangita is a 60-year old woman. She has a cyst on her left hand, which continues to increase in size. Surgery will help reduce her discomfort and pain in her hand so she may continue her daily tasks in supporting and caring for her family.
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]]> Sangita is a 60-year old woman. She has a cyst on her left hand, which continues to increase in size. Surgery will help reduce her discomfort and pain in her hand so she may continue her daily tasks in supporting and caring for her family.
Sangita est une femme de 60 ans. Elle a un kyste à la main gauche qui ne cesse de prendre du volume. Une chirurgie réduira son inconfort, diminuera ses douleurs et lui permettra d’effectuer ses tâches quotidiennes.
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]]> Monu Thu, 17 Oct 2019 23:36:50 +0000 Monu is a 13-year-old boy who suffered burns on his right hand when he was 7 months old. He has had surgery completed twice on his hand, but he continues to have worsening burn contractures. Surgery will help him open his hand fully and regain more function in his dominant hand so he can write and perform daily task more easily.
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]]> Monu is a 13-year-old boy who suffered burns on his right hand when he was 7 months old. He has had surgery completed twice on his hand, but he continues to have worsening burn contractures. Surgery will help him open his hand fully and regain more function in his dominant hand so he can write and perform daily task more easily.
Monu est un garçon de 13 ans qui a été brûlé à la main droite lorsqu’il était bébé. Il a été opéré à deux reprises, mais ses contractures de brûlures s’aggravent de plus en plus. La chirurgie lui permettra d’ouvrir pleinement sa main, de pouvoir écrire et d’accomplir des tâches quotidiennes beaucoup plus facilement.
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]]> Vikas Thu, 17 Oct 2019 23:23:16 +0000 16-year-old Vikas had an accident resulting in burns to his right hand when he was only 1-year old. He now continues to have burn contractures which further limit the movement of the fingers on his right hand. Surgery will help him regain better mobility in his hand so he can be independent as he builds his life.
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]]> 16-year-old Vikas had an accident resulting in burns to his right hand when he was only 1-year old. He now continues to have burn contractures which further limit the movement of the fingers on his right hand. Surgery will help him regain better mobility in his hand so he can be independent as he builds his life.
Vikas, 16 ans, a eu un accident qui lui a causé des brûlures à la main alors qu’il n’avait qu’un an. Il continue d’avoir des contractures qui limitent le mouvement des doigts de sa main droite. La chirurgie l’aidera à retrouver une meilleure mobilité qui lui permettra d’être indépendant tout au long de sa vie.
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]]> Parvez Thu, 17 Oct 2019 23:21:00 +0000 Parvez suffered from burns when he was 1 years old. This led to a deformity of his fingers. A surgery would help him get the use of all his fingers back.
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]]> Parvez suffered from burns when he was 1 years old. This led to a deformity of his fingers. A surgery would help him get the use of all his fingers back.
À un an, de graves brûlures ont déformé les doigts de Parvez. En lui offrant opération chirurgicale, vous lui donnerez deux mains qui sauront écrire, jouer, taper au clavier de l’ordinateur, travailler et vivre normalement.
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]]> Tohid Thu, 17 Oct 2019 23:03:33 +0000 Tohid is a 13 year old boy who endured burns on his right arm, hand, and a portion of his torso when he was 4 years old. He has had three separate surgeries on his right hand. He needs further surgery for the burn contractures on his right hand that connect part of his hand to his arm, further limiting his arm movement.
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]]> Tohid is a 13 year old boy who endured burns on his right arm, hand, and a portion of his torso when he was 4 years old. He has had three separate surgeries on his right hand. He needs further surgery for the burn contractures on his right hand that connect part of his hand to his arm, further limiting his arm movement.
Tohid a été très sévèrement brûlé à l’âge de 4 ans. Depuis ce grave accident, il a reçu trois interventions chirurgicales à la main droite. Cependant, ce garçon de 13 ans a vraiment besoin d’une autre opération. Comme on peut le voir sur la photo, les brûlures reçues relient toujours une partie de sa main à son bras limitant considérablement ses mouvements. Cette chirurgie permettra enfin à Tohid de profiter davantage de la vie et de son avenir.
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